Silver Linings is an enchanting commentary on the sights, sounds, tastes, and people of North Carolina and a lovely insight indeed for someone who not only doesn't live in NC, but doesn't even live in the US of A. The wonderfully charming watercolour illustrations that accompany each story are a delight to study and serve to make each story all that more evocative. I dare you to read ‘Bowls Full’ without wanting to dip your spoon into one of the bowls and take a slurp, or ‘Pie, Plain and Simple’ without feeling your mouth water just a little, and don't try to tell me you wouldn't want to own one of those simple wooden houses on Bald Head Island – because I sure do.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this little book - twice over now - and would say, for anyone contemplating buying it: don't think twice, put it in your basket and go checkout!
I also find myself wondering, thanks to my native North-Carolinian friend who sent it to me, if my book is the furthest travelled, with it now sitting in pride of place on a bookshelf in my little corner of Northern England.